Enaya's Curly Hair Blog

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How To Take Care Of Curly Hair

Posted on December,13 in 2016

Some may not know how to take care of curly hair. Dont stress yourself out because I got all the answers for you. One way you can take better care you yours it someone else curly hair simply could be just stop using heat tools such as hair straightener. Another way you can take better care of your curly hair would be to start by seeing what damages you like and just try to start getting rid of it. One solution of getting rid of it would be by cutting off the damages. It might be hard to say but it has to be done like a wise peron once said I rather my hair shot and healthy instead of long and damaged.

"Always admit to your damages because you would be naive"

curly girl curly girl

How To Style Curly Hair

Posted on December,14 in 2016

Styling curly hair is sometimes stressful especially when you have thick and long hair. Some people have their preference. Me i'm kind've in the middle I can wear my hair up or down but mostly it's up because I don't be having the time to do my hair. When I do my hair in an up do it would most-likely would be in a bun or in a slick back pony tail with my curly hair in a puff. When I wear it down I justhave no control over it, it's an untamed beast.

"Just remember that you all you and what you think fits you"

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